Short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

No Quick NLP Seduction Techniques Here!

Sorry, dear reader... to save us both time, guys looking for NLP seduction tricks to rapidly and covertly seduce their dating partners can look at more specialized sites. Respectfully, you won't find that information here... because we believe those techniques generally don’t work on the other person as much as they fool you into being more confident than you might otherwise be. But if you're interested in the long view, you might find something useful here: What Women Find Attractive.

Neuro-linguistic Programming Models Success

Remember that the heart of NLP is the modeling successful strategies of others in ourselves, to make great strategies our own. When dating for the long run, think of other couples that have stood the test of time and got happier the longer they were together, and ask them how they did it. You may get some other strategies, but I'll share a couple here.

Dating Strategy No. 1: Know Thyself

Most disastrous relationships begin with not knowing who you are, or what you want from life, much less in a partner. We marry who we date, so when dating seriously, it saves everyone a ton of time and trouble to know where one is going first. Then if you invest time dating people with similar goals and outcomes, the chances are infinitely better than when one proposes, and the other says I do, that the couple will get further faster together.

Whether casting a wide net or narrowing the field, we tend to date partners that are a reflection of who we think we are or imagine that we want to be. More than anything else, we humans need an identity in the world, and we will fight and die to preserve it. Virginia Satir pointed out that this urge is stronger than the urge to live.

After selecting a partner, we tend to continue together when we think we are is directly or indirectly reinforced by the other person. Otherwise, we tend to split or continue suffering together when we learn that the other will never conform to our self-constructed identity. To continue in a relationship with such a person is the very definition of hell (or at least one definition).

So why would anyone want to go as far as marriage without ever probing"who am I, and what do I want?", and "who are you, and what do you want?", and finally "how can we help each other get what we want most?"

The reasons for rushing past the important questions are as nutty as they come. Here are a few superficial reasons I’ve heard:

  • He/she was rich (or at least I thought so)...
  • I thought I could change him/her...
  • My parents thought he/she was wonderful...
  • He/she turned me on...
  • We went to the same church...
  • It was foreordained...
  • I was drunk...
  • I never dated anyone else...
  • We both liked dogs...
  • We were great in bed...
  • It was time...
  • I couldn't stand to be alone...
  • He/she reminded me of someone else...
  • I couldn't say no...

... and I'm sure you have some zingers of your own. This stuff is the fodder of both stand-up and sit-down comedy, and we laugh because we are all guilty of rushing in somewhat. That's why the jokes are so damned funny, and we all know that laughter is better than crying.

Dating Strategy No. 2: My Story is Dating Your Story

People don’t date each other—egos date each other. Know your story, and tell it well, but remember it's your story. Then remember that your date has his or her own story. As you're getting to know your date better, the strategy is to try thinking about it that way. What is the plot? What is the theme? Who are the actors? Who gets it in the end? Taking a step back and evaluating your date in terms of their story is both entertaining and insightful.

Anyone can sit through a bad for a couple of hours, and then you're only out a few bucks. If your date's story is really good and matches your own in important ways, you and your date know there is going to be a sequel.

Dating Strategy No. 3: Take it Slow, and Think with Both Brains

Why would we put more effort into picking a car, or a horse, or a stock than a partner? Figuratively speaking, every dater has two brains, but not enough blood to work them both at the same time. Now, eventually the blood does find its way to the other brain, but we require a few alternating cycles to come to a fuller understanding between them both. Attraction waxes and wanes, and when it wanes, support for the whole person must be there too.

Dating Strategy No. 4: Find a New Meaning for "No"

So here is some advice you won't get anywhere else... To get a full yes, you need to go through a lot of no's. Go the “no”! The problem with this advice is that most daters associate fear, regret, embarrassment or shame with a no, so they'll do anything to avoid it. Daters: you're afraid of the wrong thing. A “no” can sting, but a superficial “yes” can kill you.

The best think NLP can do for a dater is to associate better meaning and feelings with a no, so that the dater can be honest, expressive about what they want, and through the dating process eventually, arrive at a full yes.

What are the Applications of NLP?

Some people are mainly interested NLP applications, or what NLP can do, and how and when it can be used. In other words, what are the jobs for the tool? Some of the NLP applications are quite ubiquitous like phobia cures, allergy cures, modeling, coaching and persuasion, while others are very much less charted. This online book is dedicated to exploring NLP applications.

I like to think of NLP as a tool set to help us move from where we are to where we want to be, which is a very portable definition across many, many contexts. Essentially, you can fill in the blanks in any way you like, to begin to understand how many unique circumstances NLP can be applied to :

  • I want to experience more or less __________. (e.g. joy, worthy, grief, relaxation, anger)
  • I want to stop __________. (e.g. smoking, pornography, blowing up, drinking, nightmares)
  • I want to feel __________. (e.g. better, happier, thinner, more confident)
  • I want to have more or less __________. (e.g. time, love, joy, money, debt)
  • I want to be more or less __________. (e.g. productive, funny, shy, attractive, healthy)

Of course you could add your own examples to the list, but you get the idea. As long as you are using your mind to improve on your situation, you could say you are using NLP in one form or another, whether or not you are doing so consciously, or whether or not what you are doing has a name associated with it.

NLP Distills What Works into Repeatable Patterns

NLP observes behaviors that work in a variety of contexts. and those habits or strategies that get us what we want or need, will have some habits, patterns, commonalities, regularities or structures that can be studied, learned and taught. After the pattern is boiled down, we find that the simpler the pattern, the easier it is to master, repeat, teach, and modify to suit a particular circumstance.

Some NLPer's compare these structures to jazz, which has a structure (unconscious to those who are not jazz musicians, conscious to those who are), and that structure allows those musicians to jam around that structure in syncopated harmony and melody.

Some of the most common NLP patterns are explained in detail in this very site!

NLP Patterns Only Work When Applied to Context and Universal Needs

It would be a mistake to suppose that we can do NLP in a vacuum. As living beings, we are part of many interdependent spheres of influence, including biological spheres, cultural spheres, social spheres, mental spheres, spiritual spheres, etc. So NLP applications must satisfy the needs of real people in the real world, and the subjective maps that chart that world. Everybody has needs for safety, acceptance, self-expression and meaning. If these needs are ignored, the NLP intervention will simply not work.

NLP patterns can work wonderfully in one context, and can also be impotent in other contexts. Likewise the same pattern in similar contexts can only be effective across many individuals only if it is informed by where those individuals want to go, and where they are coming from.

NLP Application = NLP Techniques => Appropriate Context

When NLP patterns are applied to an appropriate context we have an NLP application. The tool is mated to the job, and the result is change work at the neurological level.

For example, addiction recovery is a powerful application of swish patterns or compulsion blowout patterns in a therapeutic context. Seduction would be an application of persuasive language patterns in a dating context. Family counseling would be an application of positive intent, and re-imprinting. Wealth creation might be an application of timeline or parts integration patterns in a coaching context.

Please feel free to suggest other applications here, and return often for more content!