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Psychedelic Research Comeback
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Timeless Lessons from LSD’s Early Psychonauts
Lessons from two early psychedelic psychonauts are as relevant today as they were in 1977.
In 2020, psychedelics are still illegal to produce, possess, distribute, sell or consume, but therapeutic applications are beginning to receive long overdue support from reputable scientists and clinicians again, with expectation that therapeutic protocols will be developed to help with conditions such as PTSD, severe depression, opiate additions, smoking cessation, and anxiety for the dying.
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Before and After the Trip - Are Psychedelics for Me?
The trip comes and goes, but preparation and integration make all the difference in the long run.
A life best lived is one that is examined, and improved as it is lived. An examined life includes regular small doses of introspection punctuated with experiences that can shake our world view and view of ourselves to the core. Used judiciously, psychedelics can offer such planned experiences.
Why is it so Uncommon to Love Yourself?
According to Google Autofill, millions of people have asked the astonishingly painful and intimate question. Type: “how can I learn”... and you will see “to love myself” among other high-ranking inquiries around such topics as coding, and languages. This is tragic—and if you are reading this now, it is likely a thought you’ve had at one time or another. You can learn to love yourself.
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Three Essential Ingredients to Lifelong Gains
Finding the right balance of peak experience, effective practice, and flow states is essential for sustained gains in the long run.
People are needy. We want it all; we want it now; we want it to last forever; and we want it for free. This is the calculus of biology, but never confuse short-term appetites with lifelong strategy.
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Whether composing a tweet, an email, a blog post, a business case, an essay, or a book, you must connect powerfully and viscerally to what a reader stands to gain or lose by your proposition—real or imagined. Persuasive writing speaks to your reader’s visceral emotions, and more than just getting them to agree with you, it gets them moving in the same direction. Effectively, your idea becomes your reader’s idea and compels him or her to: start, stop, buy, act, change, invest, or avoid something you are saying. But how?
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